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  • Second Prediction for January 16, 2018

    Second Prediction for January 16, 2018

    Good morning everyone! Attached is the Second Prediction for January 16, 2018. National Weather Service forecasts are now in-line with Eastern PA Weather Authority’s 2 to 4″ call for our area. I would not be surprised if Winter Weather Advisories are issued later today. Looking at simulated radar images, snow may be approaching the area…

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  • First Prediction for January 16, 2018

    First Prediction for January 16, 2018

    Good evening everyone. I hope your weekend has gone well and are looking forward to the start of the new week. Attached is the First Prediction for January 16, 2018. Light snow, approximately 1 to 3 inches, is expected during the daylight hours on Tuesday. The snow will fall as light showers during the day.…

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  • FINAL Prediction for January 8, 2018

    FINAL Prediction for January 8, 2018

    Good morning everyone. Attached is the FINAL Prediction for today’s light snow event. Overall, the favoritism for the early dismissal odds remains the same. However, there are a few observations I have noted. First, the radar appears to be slightly more robust than what short term guidance had originally projected (but an inch of snow…

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