FINAL Prediction for Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Good morning folks! Below is the FINAL Prediction for Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

Similar to yesterday, the forecast and model guidance has trended another degree warmer. Temperatures were already around freezing to begin with; this extra degree trend is starting to really chew into snow and school impact probabilities. To illustrate this, below is the trend of the temperature forecast for 5 PM today from the NAM model; you can see how the blues (indicating below freezing temperatures) gradually decrease as the forecast hour decreases.

The National Weather Service has even cut down snow estimates for the upper elevation to under one inch. Considering these trends, it is looking very unlikely for activity or parent-teacher conference impacts. I don’t think it’s a zero-percent chance, particularly for districts up along the NEPA-NY border, but it’s pretty close to zero. Thanks everyone for the support and have a great Thanksgiving!

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