FINAL Prediction for Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Good evening everyone! I hope your weekend went well and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Attached is the FINAL Prediction for Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

Snow and ice did occur throughout the area. From what I am hearing, primary roads are in good shape, but secondary roads do have some slushy conditions. Given temperatures will be below freezing tonight, I am concerned some icing will occur overnight. In addition, schools have a tendency (at least historically) to delay the following day after a significant snow event in order to give staff time to clean and prepare the buildings. Considering these factors, I do favor the delay scenario for tomorrow. I am allowing the chance for a Regular Day to occur in case road conditions improve faster than expected. I do not think virtual days or closings are likely since power outages are not widespread in our area, but not impossible if roads conditions end up severe in the morning.

Keep your eyes out for any school announcements over the next 12 hours. Be safe everyone and have a good rest of your evening!