Second Prediction for January 16, 2018

Good morning everyone! Attached is the Second Prediction for January 16, 2018.

National Weather Service forecasts are now in-line with Eastern PA Weather Authority’s 2 to 4″ call for our area. I would not be surprised if Winter Weather Advisories are issued later today.

Looking at simulated radar images, snow may be approaching the area before the daylight hours tomorrow. This plus the increased snowfall projections are the reasons why the Closing odds have increased. The Final Prediction will be released tonight.

I am interested in lingering impacts from Tuesday’s event into Wednesday. I have seen some model guidance suggest snow through Tuesday night up to Wednesday morning. To me, this would suggest delay and possibly closing risks. I plan on issuing Wednesday’s First Prediction tonight as well.

I have noticed a few schools just to north of here have conducted delays this morning. After asking around, it looks like secondary roads were still slippery (notably in far NE PA) from Saturday’s ice event, hence the delays.

I will be back later with updates; have a great day everyone and thank you for the support.